1. Customer Relations
Customer relations are the single point of entry for our customers. They handle all requests related to the connection of water and electricity; they handle invoicing and pre-paid services, monitor meter connections and are in charge of collection, management and control of accounts receivable.

2. Production
Production is responsible for the production of drinking water and electricity. Drinking water is produced by seawater desalination processes of evaporation or reverse osmosis and is produced at plants located at Mundo Nobo and Sta. Barbara.
or an extensive description of our production plants please review the Aqualectra Production document.
Our maintenance activities such as Mechanical Maintenance & Civil and Building, Instrumentation and Electrical are part of the production department. They perform preventative maintenance as well as repairs. The Plant bureau and the Laboratory further support the production department to ensure and achieve the targets for reliability, utilization, quality and efficiency.

3. Distribution
The delivery of electrical power and water to homes, companies and industries is the role of distribution. They set up and maintain effective and reliable water and electricity distribution grids that meet the international standards. The Electrical, Water, Engineering, Procurement and Business Improvement Engineering departments each contribute to meet this responsibility.
For an extensive description of our distribution system please review the Aqualectra Distribution document.

4. Finance & IA/BRC
The Finance units of Aqualectra provide financial economical management information-both internal and external- to the board of directors and line organization, give policy advice, evaluate and justify the annual reports, manage storage and evaluate the financial progress of the business plan on the long-term.
The unit Business Risk Control and Internal Auditing (BRC&IA) assists the board of directors in achieving its overall objectives and performance by providing additional assurance in relation to the reliability and integrity of information, the compliance with policies, plans, procedures, laws, regulations and contracts, safeguarding assets, the economical and efficient use of resources and the accomplishment of established objectives and goals for operations or programs.

5. ICT
The ICT department delivers high quality ICT services to the Aqualectra organization. The systems support the business processes and enable the company to work more efficiently. The ICT department achieves the above by exclusively concentrating its operations on the technical issues like network support, system & database administrator services, workstation support and development and non-technical issues such as the ICT helpdesk, applications management and project management.

6. Corporate Strategy & Business Development
The objective of CS & BD is to support Aqualectra departments in preparing, managing and assisting in the execution and implementation of strategic policy making -in alignment with corporate strategic planning- and in optimization of operations of those departments.
7. Communication
Corporate communications supports the development of the desired corporate identity aligned with desired corporate image. They advise senior management on planning and execution of PR- and communications activities and they support operational management with PR- and communications activities both internally and externally using a broad range of media and means.

8. General Affairs
General Affairs is committed to quality, health and safety, the environment, security and emergency management. Activities of this unit include: reinforcement of the customer-centric focus within Aqualectra, achievement excellent health and safety standards, to protect Aqualectra and our employees from unauthorized influence and illegal activity, to turn Aqualectra into a “disaster-resistant company” and to take effective measures to address disaster response and recovery.
9. HR and Facilities Management
The Human Resources Management (HRM) unit creates and maintains the HR-framework and conditions necessary to realize the organizational goals.
HRM achieves the above by development and implementation of HR-policies and tools, provide guidance, support and relevant HR information to line management, development of skills, knowledge and attitude needed by the staff to optimize their performance, creation of healthy and safe work environments, development of attractive labor conditions, maintaining good industrial relations and by stimulating a performance driven and service minded culture with a high level of integrity.
The Facility Management (FAM) unit is responsible for management of records and information, maintenance of physical facilities including related services, transport services and secretarial and office services.